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DER GANZ GROSSE TRAUM 25.-30. Mai in San Francisco auf dem 25th Berlin & Beyond Film Festival

San Francisco’s 25th Anniversary Berlin & Beyond Film Festival is thrilled to announce the full program of films,

Festival 2021 – 25th Berlin & Beyond Film Festival

YOUTH 4 GERMAN CINEMA (10th Anniversary)

Lessons of a Dream (Der ganz große Traum ) 10th Anniversary
Zum Trailer

Dir. Sebastian Grobler –– Germany | 2011 | 113 min. Loosely based on the life of German football pioneer Konrad Koch in the late 19th-century. The young teacher Konrad Koch (Daniel Brühl) is hired to teach English at a strictly-run German school for boys in 1874. The reform-minded headmaster von Merfeld (Burghart Klaussner) has hired Koch as one of the very first English teachers of all at a German secondary school in order to let a fresh new wind into his musty institution. Koch sees how badly this is needed in his very first class. Everything that the boys know about England is common prejudices handed down from one generation to the next. In order to stir up some enthusiasm for the foreign language, Oxford graduate Koch resorts to unusual means and introduces his students to a curious sport that comes from Britain: football.
Starring: Daniel Brühl, Burghart Klaußner, Thomas Thieme, Theo Trebs
Screening Format: Drive-In at Fort Mason Center and an invitation-only virtual broadcast with live virtual Q&A

Der Film ist als Bluray oder DVD erhältlich oder wird gestreamt bei
amazon, itunes, Google Play, Videobuster, Microsoft, Rakuten TV, Maxdome

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